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Equality, Diversity and Discrimination

Equality, Diversity & Discrimination

About the course

This easy to use, online training course focuses on two topics, Equality and Diversity, and how they relate to one another. Understanding equality and diversity will help  identify and address issues of unfairness and discrimination in the workplace. It helps people understand how discrimination harms people and damages business and productivity.

In a multi-cultural society, where there are a range of lifestyles and people with different abilities it is important that individuals are aware of what is good practice in order to fairly interrelate with different people. This training helps staff relate better with their colleagues, clients and service users.

There are specific laws and human rights relating to equality and discrimination issues. Failure to act appropriately at work can lead to prosecution and damage to company image and reputation.

Key Points

  • CPD Approved **
  • Duration: 70 mins *
  • £35 per license
  • Fast effective learning in an interactive way
  • Opportunities to stop and start the course meaning that everyone has the time to learn.
  • Improved legal compliance
  • Effective evidence of quality training
* The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions

**Our CPD approved courses are owned by VideoTile Learning Ltd and distributed under licence.